Latest Episodes
Analog Faith in Digital Babylon | Jason Helton | Week 11
Tonight Jason shares some resources that can help parents (and ourselves) to better guard against the concerning and dangerous aspects of digital life. What...
Analog Faith in Digital Babylon | Jason Helton | Week 10
Do you remember being at the mall in the 90's and seeing those huge VR stations set up? We've come a long way since...
Analog Faith in Digital Babylon | Jason Helton | Week 08
Tonight Jason focuses our discussion on how everything online stays around forever and algorithms are like digital mirrors. Then comes the challenging question: How...
Analog Faith in Digital Babylon | Jason Helton | Week 07
Tonight Jason tackles another difficult topic to talk about even within the church family: how technology and the easy access to pornography plays a...
Analog Faith in Digital Babylon | Jason Helton | Week 06
Jason continues our series exploring the intersection of faith and technology. This week Jason tackles one of the more difficult topics to talk about:...
Analog Faith in Digital Babylon | Jason Helton | Week 05
Jason continues our series exploring the intersection of faith and technology. This week Jason focuses our discussion on how social media can impact our...